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Syndication Finance

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Syndication Finance is a group of financial organizations in which each lend an amount of money to a borrower for the same purpose. The Project requiring large-scale investment for green field operation or for expansion, a syndication financing facility is required in the form of term loan, lease, working capital etc.



  1. Large Enterprises involved in Manufacturing and Service sectors.
  2. The project must generate sufficient cash flow to meet the repayment.
  3. A certain debt-equity ratio has to be maintained.
  4. Tenure of up to 12 months.



  1. New green field project.
  2. Very competitive interest rate.
  3. Financing amount to be determined as per company policy.
  4. Repayment through Installments may be equal or structured (step-up, step-down, bullet, etc.) or as per company policy.
  5. Security: Acceptable Collateral (Land, Building etc.), Lien of shares, Cash Security.
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