The Company respects the rights of shareholders and seeks to facilitate the effective exercise of those rights by ensuring that the Company communicates effectively with its shareholders. This Policy sets out the standards and the requirements of the Company in relation to communicating with its shareholders. The purpose of this policy is to promote effective communication with shareholders and encourage effective participation by shareholders at company meetings. To ensure a high quality of communication and level of clarity with all investors and other stakeholders, whilst complying with its statutory disclosure obligations, the Company endeavors to provide shareholders with ready and widespread access on a timely basis to matters that affect their investment in the company; communicate in a clear, accurate and easy to understand manner with investors and other stakeholders.
The Company believes that an effective policy for communication with shareholders enhances its strong culture of disclosure to keep the shareholders informed. This policy reflects the Board’s requirement that shareholders should be fully informed about the Company and shareholders should have access to the latest information available utilizing, where practicable, electronic communications to keep shareholders informed of relevant information from the company in a timely manner. The Board shall encourage on-going dialogue with investors and shareholders, and will regularly review this Policy to ensure its effectiveness.
The Policy is mainly based around the following aspects of communication.
The Annual Report will be made easily available to shareholders and other stakeholders in a timely manner. Shareholders can elect to receive a hard copy or an electronic copy of the Annual Report. It is the shareholder’s responsibility to notify the Company’s share registry of changes to their contact details and, in the case of email, maintain a current email account.
The Company is conscious of the efficiency of communicating electronically rather than on paper and intends informing/ encouraging the shareholders to choose the option of receiving communication via E-mail. At the same time company is equally aware that some shareholders will prefer to receive paper-based documents. The Company will ensure that, irrespective of the medium, all shareholders will receive access to the relevant information. Shareholders may, at any time, direct questions or requests for information to the Directors or management through the ‘Contact Us’ section of Company’s website ( or in writing.
The Company recognizes the rights of shareholders and encourages the effective exercise of those rights through the following means:
We send Annual Report, Notice of General Meetings, Proxy forms etc. to the registered address of the Shareholders through courier service.
The policy will be reviewed and updated on regular basis to ensure that information is current and archived.